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Cassop Primary School

Cassop Primary School

Childcare Provision

Primary Schools are now required to publish alongside their Performance information a list of their childcare provision making it easier for parents to know what is available.

Cassop Primary School offers a full range of childcare provision which we have listed below:

In addition to our After School Clubs, we provide a Breakfast Club. This allows parents with other commitments to leave their children under the supervision of qualified staff from 8:00am onwards.

Children in Year 6 may walk home unsupervised if we have written consent. Please note children in all other year groups must be collected by an adult (16 years or above).

We also have links with the providers below that currently offer drop off and pick up / wrap around care for Cassop Primary School:

Clever Cloggs Day Nursery, Bowburn (Tel: 01913779192)
Hippitots, Coxhoe (Tel: 01913773759)
Phoenix Centre, Kelloe (Tel: 0191 377 1739)